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WonderWonder: The Art and Practice of Beatrice Blue
From the publisher:Wander into the immersive illustrated mind of Beatrice Blue.Filled with playful characters, enchanting natural scenery, and captivating narratives, Beatrice's designs will appeal to everyone's inner child. Her fantastic use of vibrant color and luminous finishes give her imaginative scenes life and vigor, while her expressive texturing techniques embellish her already extensively detailed works further, to create designs with depth and integrity.0 3535RUB35RUB
Wonder: The Art and Practice of Beatrice Blue в Мончегорске
From the publisher:Wander into the immersive illustrated mind of Beatrice Blue.Filled with playful characters, enchanting natural scenery, and captivating narratives, Beatrice's designs will appeal to everyone's inner child. Her fantastic use of vibrant color and luminous finishes give her imaginative scenes life and vigor, while her expressive texturing techniques embellish her already extensively detailed works further, to create designs with depth and integrity.
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